LOGAN'S LADY Excerpt 3

Only about a month  now until 26 March and the release of LOGAN'S LADY!   Advance readers are loving this book, and I hope you do, too!  While we wait, here's another excerpt from the book, and a reminder of my upcoming contest!

        Sheriff Jack Teller awoke with a start when cold air rushed over him from an open door and something heavy hit the floor of his office. His first reaction was to reach for his gun.
       “Leave it!” a deep voice told him. “It’s just me.” The intruder slammed the door shut. “Jesus, Teller, somebody could have come in here and helped a prisoner escape and you would have slept right through it.”
       Teller looked up at the tall man with long, sandy-colored hair that stuck out from under a wide-brimmed hat. His sheepskin jacket made his six-foot frame and broad shoulders appear even larger. And he was in bad need of a shave. It took a minute for Teller to realize who it was. “Logan?”
       “I brought Sol Weber to you.”
       Teller turned to look beyond the end of his desk to see a man lying on the floor, still wearing a wool jacket, his frozen eyes staring up at the ceiling. An ugly hole in his forehead made Teller shake his head as he looked at Logan Best. “Is it possible that someday you’ll bring one of these men back alive?”
       Logan shrugged. “If the poster says dead or alive, I might as well keep things safe and kill him. Then I don’t have to worry about feeding him and staying awake half the night watching him so he doesn’t try to put a bullet in me and escape.” He glanced at the dead body of Sol Weber. “Besides, when he robbed that bank in Sheridan, he killed two kids as he was trying to get away. He doesn’t deserve to live.”
       “Says a judge and jury, in most cases,” Sheriff Teller answered. He hoisted his too-heavy body out of his chair with a grunt. “Need I remind you yet again that your only job is to get wanted men back here? Let the right people decide if they should live or die.”
       Logan took a thin cigar from his pocket, then struck a match and lit it. “Why bother, with a man like that?”
NOTE: Be sure to watch for my contest March 26th, sponsored by Get Lost In AStory (GLIAS), to celebrate LOGAN'S LADY! Lots of prizes:
       *  1 reader will receive an autographed (print) copy of LOGAN'S LADY plus goodies.
       *  1 reader will received autographed (print) copies of all 4 of my "Outlaw Hearts" books PLUS an autographed (print) copy of LOGAN'S LADY plus goodies
        *  1 reader will received an autographed (print) copy of LOGAN'S LADY PLUS autographed (print) copies of my next TWO books when they are ready - CHRISTMAS IN PARADISE in Septemer and RIDE THE HIGH LONESOME in November - PLUS a secret gift!


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