Do Not Forsake Me - Teaser #5

Available July 7, 2015

Randy’s stomach fell a little watching him strap on the guns. She never quite got over the dread of what each new day could bring. … He tied the holsters to his thighs … and pulled on his leather vest, his badge already pinned to it.

Randy sighed. “I can already see a dark mood setting in, Jake.”

“And I don’t like having to look at Marty Bryant. I want to kill him and I can’t. Maybe I’ll get lucky and he’ll give me an excuse.” He opened the bedroom door and started out.

“Jake, don’t you want breakfast?”

“No. I’ll just grab a hunk of bread on the way out and get a cup of coffee down at the jail.”

“Wait,.” Randy walked closer and stood on her tiptoes to kiss him. “I’m telling you, I don’t have a good feeling about this. Lloyd would understand if you want to get him.”

“No. I’ll be all right on my own. And Sparky will be at the jail.”

Their gazes held.

“Jake, don’t lie to me.”

He turned away. “Just stay in the house today, will you? … That means even if you hear shooting. Don’t you dare go running out into the street, you hear me? If you’re needed, someone will come and get you.”

“Jake -“

“Promise me!”

She felt the tears wanting to come. “I promise.” She watched him leave, then closed her eyes and turned away, praying the same prayer she prayed every single morning. “God, be with him.”


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