

        I was recently asked about the tag line I often use – “Nobody Does It Like a Cowboy.” The person wanted to know what I meant by that. For me, that line has all kinds of meaning besides the one that “romance” conjures up. You know what I mean. And in my books, nobody “does it” like a cowboy. (I am smiling.)

       Actually, by “cowboy,” I mean the rugged, western hero-type. My heroes aren’t always “cowboys,” but they have that cowboy nature – often long hours in the saddle, sleeping out under the stars a lot, a wandering nature, men who take no sh--, good with fists and guns, experienced with the elements of weather, animals and danger, know how to deal with outlaws and hostiles, is good at tracking both men and animals, knows all there is to know about horses and cattle, and knows the western landscape. My men never get lost!

       But more than that, there is a cowboy spirit that is hard to explain. I love writing about the “bad man with a good heart,” or men with a bit of a wild nature, but who always respect a good woman and might even be a bit bashful around a “good woman.” They might drink, but my heroes are never mean alcoholics; they almost always smoke because nearly all men did in the 1800’s; they love to gamble and they love their horses and their women. 
       Let’s face it. Women love brave, rugged men – men who are sometimes a bit of a challenge and need s little “taming.” Of course, you can’t totally “tame” a cowboy, but that’s okay, because he’s usually there when his woman needs him. The cowboy nature means a man who knows little fear and who will defend his woman to the death if necessary. You don’t abuse a cowboy’s woman and get away with it. Not in MY books! Nor do you abuse anyone else in his family! And my cowboys might actually be outlaws, but I always give them cause, a back-story that creates empathy for how they turned out – and I always find a way to “redeem” them in the end. Usually, the heroine has a hand in that.

       Recently a national news story featured a man who truly lives the “cowboy” life on a ranch. He rode his horse to a Walmart and heard a woman yelling that someone had just stolen her bike. True to his cowboy nature, this young man rode the culprit down on his horse and lassoed him, pulling him off the bike and tying him to a tree. He then called 911 and the police came and arrested him!

        Yup! Nobody does it like a cowboy, and that’s why I love writing about them!





Excerpt #3:

     He just froze in place for a moment, staring at her.  "I ... didn't think ... you'd do it," he muttered.

     "You were wrong, Mister."  Kate stood there shaking as she watched the life go out of him.  Eyes wide, Buck finally slumped over in death.
      Kate dropped her gun and grasped her stomach, looking at the man called Buck in disbelief.  She'd just killed him.  In that moment, she felt no better than Buck or Luke or any other outlaw in this country.  In her mind, she'd become one of them.

~     *     ~     *     ~     *     ~ 

Excerpt #4:

       They rode nearly two more hours before Luke could go no farther. He nearly fell off his horse, rather than making a normal dismount. As soon as his feet hit the ground, he went to his knees, realizing how right Kate had been when she'd told him to see a doctor as soon as they got back yesterday.

        "What's wrong?" Blaze asked.

        "It's this wound in my side from the shootout at the cabin," he answered, grasping his side.

        "Why, hell, Luke, you should have seen a doctor before we left," Big Jim said.

        "That's what Kate told me, but … I thought I'd be okay," Luke answered.

        Blaze spread out some blankets. "You just lay down here, Luke. We'll make the fire and something to eat and we'll get you back to lander right away come sunup."

        "Thanks." Luke thought how odd things were here in outlaw country. Blaze was a smart-ass kid looking to get himself killed some day in a gunfight. And Big Jim was an uneducated, unwashed, rather simple-minded man who probably didn't care much about another man other than someone to talk to incessantly. Yet right now they both seemed to really care what happened to him. Still, they'd probably rob him blind if he died out here.

        He fell asleep. Or did he pass out? He only knew that when he woke up before dawn, he couldn't move - not even a finger. 
~     *     ~     *     ~     *     ~ 

From my advance readers:

"Rosanne Bittner is a master at creating lasting storylines, picturesque sceneries, and heroic couples who envelope her reader’s heart and soul, forever." -- Tonya Lucas 

"Rosanne Bittner has done it again and in breathtakingly beautiful Rosanne Bittner style. I could not put this book down until I finished it." -- Glenda Kinard

"Rosanne Bittner has written yet another epic novel about the wild untamed west. This book will grab your attention in the first few pages and keep you needing to know more." -- Stephanie Jenkins Ortiz-Cerrillo 

"This story quickly became one of my top favorite Rosanne Bittner tales, with the emotional impact, epic story-telling, and the charm of an captivating love story. . . .  I felt transported back in time and became lost in a different reality. I took my time reading this book just because I wanted to soak up every moment spent with Luke and Kate and . . . when it was over, after I took a few moments to soak it all in, I jumped back in to reread favorite parts. . . I can't wait to revisit them again and again!" -- Michelle Reed