realize that the 4th is a celebration of gaining our
independence 246 years ago, something too few Americans today
appreciate. Perhaps if they had to live fully under totalitarian
rule, they would finally realize how precious our freedom truly is.
To realize that too many citizens today even mention the word
“socialist” makes me ill. And it surely agonizes those veterans
who fought so hard to free Europe and countries in the Pacific in
WWII, but until our educational system begins teaching real history
and explaining that doing so means going all the way back to the
Revolutionary and even the French and Indian wars, our young people
will never appreciate this big, beautiful, free country. You would
think they would understand it just because of all the people who
want to come to American FROM SOCIALIST COUNTRIES! Be
that as it may, I believe July 4th should be a celebration
of all veterans who gave so much in ALL wars. In that light, I would
like to remind everyone of those precious men and women who fought in
WWII. I feel very honored to be in possession of two photo albums my
mother (now deceased) left to me. I was born just 5 months before
V.E. Day, in LaPorte, Indiana, where my father worked in a bomb
factory. I have been back there to see the little house my parents
lived in then, one of many in a government housing area called
Kingsford Heights. What is left gives me goosebumps … many of those
little houses gone … those left now remodeled and lived in by
ordinary people. The government school there sits empty, but I can
“hear” the ghostly laughter and screams of the children who once
were students there.
A rusted old train engine and a couple of train
cars that were used to haul supplies to the bomb factory and haul
bombs out of it, sit abandoned on a train track overgrown with grass
and weeds. The buildings for the bomb factory sit spread across a
field and are now used for storage, probably by farmers. (Different
types of bombs were made in different buildings so that if one blew
up, the other buildings would not be affected.) And across those same
fields are little hills where there used to be bunkers for storing
the bombs, partly for safety, and partly so that in case of an
invasion from Germany, they would not be visible from the air. I
remember my father saying employees had to wear special rubber shoe
protection and hair nets to avoid any static that might cause an

mom was home with my older sister and pregnant for me, and then with
me as a new baby while all this was going on. The albums she gave me
are not full of pictures. They are full of letters saved from my
mother’s best friend in high school, who was an Army nurse in WWII.
I will not mention her name because I don’t know yet if her
relatives would want me to, but I feel so honored to be in possession
of these letters. If I can find this woman’s
children/grandchildren, I am thinking of asking permission to use
these letters in a non-fiction book.
They are a treasure to behold –
letters from Day-1 of this woman’s entry into the war all the way
to her coming home. You can literally follow the war and get a
first-hand blow-by-blow of what life was like for an Army nurse. I
always knew these letters were important, but through all all these
years I really did not take the time to read them word for word. I
did just that recently, and I cried. I got goosebumps at realizing
what a treasure they are. The album even includes a chronological
history of this woman’s travels with the 91st Evacuation
Hospital. For instance, it starts in 1942 at Fort Knox, KY, then to
New Jersey, then Staten Island, NY and sailing for Europe on the U.
S. Argentina.
Argentina docked at – wow! CASABLANCA! (French Morocco) – How
many people don’t know about that wonderful movie starring Humphrey
Bogart and Ingrid Bergman? How romantic is that? This woman was in
French Morocco into the spring of 1943, when her Unit moved on to
Algeria and numerous locations there until that summer, when
Mussolini resigned. Some of her Unit moved on with the now-famous
General Patton. (Another movie persona) This woman’s Unit continued
into North Africa., then to Licata, Sicily. SICILY! My fraternal
grandparents migrated here from Sicily. Then this nurse moved on to
Palermo, Sicily. She mentions Italy’s surrender in September of
’43, and she had to help care for 10,600 sick and wounded over a
3-month period.
November of ’43 it was back to Algeria, past Spanish Morocco and
the Straits of Gibraltar, all such famous places. At that point she
thought they were headed home, but they ended up heading through the
Irish Sea to Wales, where they spent Thanksgiving of ’43 aboard
ship. Then it was on to England and the Battle of Bristol in December
(where they spent Christmas).

took this nurse to France and she mentions the German Luftwaffe
overhead. And what landing and battle did her Unit follow? NORMANDY!
Her hospital unit spent 40 days performing non-stop operations. You
can “feel” the horror and tragedy she saw, and how incredibly
depressed and worn out she was after that. Her letters also tell
about General Patton landing inside France and the ground shaking
from explosions. Her Unit moved constantly as our troops moved
farther and farther into France and toward Paris. In early 1945 she
was transferred to the Netherlands, then back across the Roer River
to Hostert, GERMANY! Our troops were moving in for the “kill.”
8, 1945 (5 months after I was born back in the States) VICTORY IN
EUROPE was declared, and the next day this nurse secretly married an
army man who had been with her Unit the whole time – a wonderful
story of two people very much in love but who had to keep it secret
and literally ignore each other when officers were around, because
nurses were forbidden to marry enlisted men. WHAT A LOVE STORY!
worked at Robert Bosch Memorial Hospital for a while in Germany that
summer, after which she was finally sent back to the States. But her
husband could not come with her. It was a few months later before he
was able to go home.
cannot tell you how moving this woman’s letters are, and all the
while my mother (who had no idea how bad things were “over there”)
envied the fact that her friend got to see so many countries and lead
such an exciting life. At the same time (from reading this woman’s
letters), it was obvious that she was envious of my mother being home
with a husband and babies. She could not wait to get home and start
her own family.

am so proud of my mother saving these letters, which are now 82 to 77
years old! She also saved albums full of newspaper articles and
headlines about the war, along with obituaries about local men and
women who died fighting. She also left me in possession of a set of
books full of pictures that follow the war chronologically. They have
to be priceless.
wrote a WWII story once based somewhat on this situation between two
women living very different lives in the war. It never sold, but it
came close, and I hope to re-write it and maybe, finally sell it
before I die. Whether I do or not, these albums of letters are a real
treasure trove, and I have to decide what to do with them. If any of
my readers have any idea the best place to which I should leave these
letters (some kind of WWII museum or library?) would love to hear
your ideas. Of course, I would first see if I can get permission from
the descendants of this woman. I Just e-mail me at