
Last LOGAN'S LADY Excerpt!

Only about two weeks until 26 March and the release of LOGAN'S LADY!   Advance readers are loving this book, and I hope you do, too!  While we wait, here's the last excerpt from the book, and a reminder of my upcoming contest!  

      "You're late," she told him.

      Logan hardened a little at her snippy attitude. "What?"

      "I asked you to come right away, Mr. Best."

      Logan glanced at the sheriff, who shrugged. "I told you to hurry it up," White said.

      Logan looked back at Elizabeth. "Ma'am, I'm not a man who takes orders. And I was on the trail several days before I came here and - I might remind you - helped you. I was damn tired last night, so I slept in."

      "You probably drank too much and slept with one of those awful painted women. I know about men like you. I've read about them in penny dreadfuls."

      Logan could hardly keep from bursting out laughing. "In WHAT?"

      "Penny dreadfuls. I've learned here in America they are called dime novels."

      Logan couldn't control a little gasp of laughter. "You BELIEVE those things?"

      "Was I wrong about where you were last night?"

      Never in his life had Logan struggled so hard to stifle a true guffaw. "No, Ma'am, you were not wrong, but life out here isn't always like what you read in those little books. I've heard about them and they're food for a lot of jokes among men like us. Believe me, there aren't many heroic cowboys or lawmen out here."

      "Have YOU ever read one of those little books?"

      "No, Ma'am."

      "DO you read, Mister Best?"

     Logan still felt sorry for this poor young lady, but already he wasn't fond of her as a person. The "princess" from London had an air about her he did not like at all.

       NOTE: Be sure to watch for my contest March 26th, sponsored by Get Lost In A Story (GLIAS), to celebrate the debut of LOGAN'S LADY! Lots of prizes:

     *1 reader will receive an autographed (print) copy of LOGAN'S LADY plus goodies.

     *1 reader will received autographed (print) copies of all 4 of my "Outlaw Hearts" books PLUS an autographed (print) copy of LOGAN'S LADY plus goodies.  

     *1 reader will received an autographed (print) copy of "Logan's Lady" PLUS autographed (print) copies of my next TWO books when they are ready - CHRISTMAS IN PARADISE in September and RIDE THE HIGH LONESOME in November - PLUS a secret gift!