
2012 RT Convention

Thought I should tell everyone through my blog how great the Romantic Times Conference was last weekend in Chicago. I drove there because I live less than two hours from Chicago, arrived just in time to meet the gang from my publishing house, Sourcebooks, my editor Leah, my publicist, Beth, the owner of Sourcebooks, Dominique, and a host of young, forward-thinking, awesome people who have made Sourcebooks one of the most innovative, successful publishers out there today. Some pictures will soon be posted here and on my other sites so you can share the fun of the R.T. Conference with me!

Sourcebooks drove us to their facilities in Naperville in a very fancy limo-bus, and when we arrived we were taken on a tour of “the works.” Wow! We take a lot for granted when we buy a paperback book or order an e-book, not thinking about all the work that goes into getting that book published. We toured the editing department, the layout department, the cover art department, publicity, marketing, sales, packaging, and they even have a complaint department. A terrific amount of hours and thought go into how to present and market each book they publish, and as opposed to most publishers, every single new book coming out receives their full attention, including advance reading copies to all distributors and primary book stores and libraries. There are no favorites here. All authors, from big sellers to smaller sellers, get the same treatment, with the goal being to make ALL their authors best-sellers. I have never worked with a publisher who operated this way, and it’s probably the reason that Sourcebooks is far out-selling all other publishers!

The tour was followed by a wonderful lunch on-site, after which several authors were interviewed individually. Soon those interviews will be available for all you readers to view when you go to Sourcebooks.com. My particular interview will be made available here and other sites of my social networking, so watch for it!

The best news that came out of Romantic Times and my meeting with Sourcebooks was learning that I have SOLD A NEW BOOK! My readers can finally read a new story from Rosanne Bittner. It’s a western romance called PARADISE VALLEY and is set in 1800’s Wyoming and parts of the famed Outlaw Trail. PARADISE VALLEY is my 58th book, and when my deal is settled with Sourcebooks I will post a short synopsis of the story so everybody can see what it will be about. It will be published both in mass paperback and as an e-book next spring (2013)!

Another bit of great news from the conference – I was presented with Romantic Times’ PIONEER AWARD, for longevity and for having 57 books published over the last 30 years and still selling! I felt very honored to receive this award.

I conducted a workshop at R.T. called THE POWER OF PASSION, and it, too, will soon be posted here on my blog for you to read. I attended other workshops and a great party Sourcebooks held at the hotel. R.T. held a HUGE book signing in the grand ballroom that Saturday. I’m sure at least 2,000 readers and booksellers came through! By the time it was over, I could barely talk because I’d been talking all afternoon. I handed out every piece of publicity I’d brought with me and met a host of current readers and prospective new readers. It was one of the best conferences I have attended in years and I will probably go again next year! Not sure what city will host next year’s convention, but if you go to RT Book Reviews, I’m sure they are already posting information on next year’s event.

I am extremely happy to be able to announce a new book! I will very likely hold another contest for PARADISE VALLEY, so keep checking my blog and web site. In the meantime, I am sponsoring another contest for my July book, THUNDER ON THE PLAINS, and the grand prize is a Kindle reader, so watch for details! Thanks to all you readers who helped Sourcebooks realize you want more from Rosanne Bittner!

Goodreads Giveaway - From April 9 - April 16, 2012

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Wildest Dreams by Rosanne Bittner

Wildest Dreams

by Rosanne Bittner

Giveaway ends April 16, 2012.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.
Enter to win


Romantic Times Conference

Romantic Times conducts a very relaxed, fun-filled conference wherein everybody, published or not, feels welcome and has a great time! It's not an "all business/few frills" kind of conference. It's fun and active and a great way to meet editors and agents and other published and unpublished writers - and most important - YOUR FANS and hundreds of other readers who might not have read your books yet. They sponsor tons of workshops, lots of extra-curricular activities and tours of the area outside the hotel, and you can dress casually except for the awards dinner, where you might want to wear something more elegant. What I like about RT is that they support ALL FORMS of romance and don't turn their noses up at erotica or self-published or any other form of writing some other organizations tend to frown upon as not "real writing" or not "legitimate" publishing. Their founder, Kathryn Falk, has been a huge supporter of romance since she first started publishing a newsletter about romance way back in the early 80's. As romance and publishing has changed, RT has gone right along and continued their strong support of all forms of romance over these many years. And at each of their national conferences they hold a HUGE book signing. They gear themselves to the READERS, and that, my friends, is very important. It's the readers who keep us writing and selling, and RT understands that. 

Their next national conference is coming up April 11th in Chicago and I'm looking forward to being there! When it comes to conferences, study all the different ones out there and make sure you spend your money on ones you feel will not only benefit you, but also ones you will truly enjoy, and especially those that will hook you up with READERS. Another of the best conferences to attend is Mid-Michigan RWA's Retreat from Harsh Reality, held the last weekend of April every year. It's casual, it's fun, it's not expensive, and you will come away from the Retreat revved up to WRITE, WRITE, WRITE! 

The above is a "Comment" I made on Author Diane Burton's blog.